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Cookie Use policy

This website uses Cookies

Here's the list of cookies currently used on, and a short description of what data they may identify and how they are used.


  • Keeps track of the cart and transfers it to a user account if the anonymous user creates an account.    
  • Cart id of the current user's cart. Only stored for anonymous users.    
  • Duration: Configured in the Admin Console using the Number of Days to Retain Items in Cart setting. The default value is 7 days.


  • Loads relevant data for the approval order rather than the current user's cart. This allows the current user to correctly approve the order.    
  • Cart id of the approval order the current user has selected to work on.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Standard authentication cookie used by ASP.NET. Keeps track of the currently authenticated user's Session.
  • Duration: Session


  • Used during a signature verification process to ensure the CurrentBillToId and CurrentShipToId cookies are valid for the current user.    
  • Encrypted billto and shipto id values.    
  • Duration: Session or when the signature expires (default is 2 hours), whichever comes first.


  • CKFinder authentication cookie. Allows only authenticated users to using CKFinder in the CMS.    
  • Encrypted value of the current time and the current user's username.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used in conjunction with the BillToIdShipToId cookie during the signature verification process. Also used to apply the appropriate billto on the site for processes like shipping calculation.    
  • Id of the currently selected billto for the current user.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to display currencies on the site using the appropriate currency visual representation.    
  • Id of the currently selected site currency.    
  • Duration: 30 days


  • Used to apply the appropriate fulfillment method on the site for processes like shipping calculation.    
  • Name of the currently selected fulfillment method for the current user.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to display appropriate language translations for specified text on the site.    
  • Id of the currently selected site language.    
  • Duration: 30 days


  • Used to apply the appropriate pickup warehouse on the site for processes like shipping calculation.    
  • Id of the currently selected pickup warehouse for the current user.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used in conjunction with the BillToIdShipToId cookie during the signature verification process. Also used to apply the appropriate shipto on the site for processes like shipping calculation.    
  • Id of the currently selected shipto for the current user.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Uniquely identifies a user Session. Used to apply ETag caching in the Configured Commerce Web API.    
  • Browser Session id    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to apply the page size on subsequent Invoice History page visits.    
  • Currently selected page size for the Invoice History page list.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to pre-select the list when adding a product to a list.    
  • Id of the list to which a product was added last.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to apply the page size on subsequent Order History page visits.    
  • Currently selected page size for the Order History page list.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to apply the page size on subsequent Product List page visits.    
  • Currently selected page size for the Product List page list.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to apply the list view type on subsequent Product List page visits.    
  • Currently selected list view type for the product list. Can be Grid or List.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Keeps track of the punchout Session. Certain site functionality is altered when using punchout.    
  • Id of the current user's punchout Session.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to populate the Recently Viewed Products carousel widget.    
  • List of product ids of recently viewed products.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to set the language and culture of each Configured Commerce Web API request.    
  • Language tag (see Tags for Identifying Languages).    
  • Duration: 30 days


  • Used for processes influenced by personas, like marketing promotions and experiments.    
  • List of applied persona ids for the current user.    
  • Duration: 30 days


  • When returning to the site in the same browser, the can access their cart, lists and saved orders and browse the site as the user without signing in. Authentication is required when accessing account information or proceeding to checkout.    
  • Id of the user, if chosen to be remembered (selected during sign in).    
  • Duration: Configured in the Admin Console using the Days To Retain User setting. The default value is 30 days.


  • Used to show or hide certain functionality based on the content mode.    
  • Name of the currently selected content mode for the current CMS Session. Can be Editing, Previewing, or Viewing.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used as a security measure to verify the cms_CurrentContentMode cookie value.    Encrypted version of the cms_CurrentContentMode cookie value.    
  • Duration: Session or when the signature expires (default is 8 hours), whichever comes first.


  • Can be used by Spire widgets to show or hide functionality that pertains to the CMS, rather than the Storefront.    
  • True or false indicating whether or not a Spire CMS Session is active.    
  • Duration: Session


  • Used to apply the sort type on subsequent Product List page visits.    
  • Id of the currently selected sort typefor the Product List page list.    
  • Duration: Session

Statistical Cookies

Statistical cookies help us count visits on our website and better understand web traffic patterns so that we can improve your visits to our website.


  • This is our google analytics code that is used to collect basic website visitor data.
  • This cookie is used to distinguish users to our Google Analytics
  • Duration: 2 Years


  • This is a google analytics value that isolates user
  • This cookie used to limit the number of requests within Google Anlaytics.
  • Duration: Only until browsing Session ends


  • This is a google analytics cookie that isolates visits.
  • This cookie is used limit the site visit details in Google Analytics.
  • Duration: One day


  • This is a JavaScript value used to provide ApplicationInsight values about the Session.
  • Duration: One week


  • This is a JavaScript value used to provide ApplicationInsight values about the user
  • Duration: One week

Customization Cookies

Customization cookies allow us to configure your website preferences (e.g. language, region, unit of measure, etc) and help to enhance your user experience when you visit our website, and utilize our digital tools.


  • This is our language cookie that allows us to set the website language to your browser language.
  • This is used to set your default language on the website.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie is set to true if you have opted not to save any other cookies.
  • This cookie is used to block the saving of all other cookies.
  • If you opt-out of saving cookies, many parts of the site will not work properly.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your region allowing us to improve your website experience.
  • This value is used to regionalize your experience on the site.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your sub-region allowing us to improve your website experience.
  • This value is used to regionalize your experience on the site.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your preferred unit of measure
  • This value is used to set you default unit of measure to Imperial or Metric on our sites.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your preferred capacity value
  • This value is used to set the default HVAC capacity values on our sites.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your preferred pressure value
  • This value is used to set the default HVAC pressure values on our sites.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your default country value
  • This value is used to set the Country value experience on our site.
  • Duration: 1 Year


  • This cookie allows us to set your unique logged-in user id, typically set to business email address.
  • This value is used to provide logged in users the ability to save or retrieve customer specific information.
  • Duration: When the browsing Session ends


  • This cookie allows us to set your first name
  • This value is used to display a users first name when logged in.
  • Duration: When the browsing Session ends


  • This cookie allows us to set your last name
  • This value is used to display a users last name when logged in.
  • Duration: When the browsing Session ends